Seize the Prime Day and Upgrade Your TV with LG Display’s OLED Technology

As every online shopper will know, few events can match the excitement and anticipation of Amazon Prime Day. This sale extravaganza has become the ultimate destination for tech and TV enthusiasts alike, with some of the most enticing deals and discounts of the year. This year, 175 million Prime members in the US will be eligible, according to Insider Intelligence, so now’s the time to level up your home entertainment setup through LG Display’s industry-leading OLED panels. Prepare to immerse yourself in a world of unrivaled picture quality and breathtaking entertainment as you unlock the true potential of your home theater.

OLED now dominating in Europe and North America

The European and North American TV markets are undeniably shifting towards OLED technology as it becomes mainstream. The enlarging market share of OLED TVs in Europe and North America speaks volumes to the growing preference for OLED’s exceptional visual performance and immersive viewing experience. Looking ahead, Korean media expects OLED TVs to achieve a record-breaking sales share of around 20% within the European TV market this year. This figure represents nearly double the proportion of OLED TVs compared to the overall TV market, marking a significant milestone. This remarkable growth demonstrates the company’s OLED TVs recognition as the most high-end product in the immensely competitive global TV market.

Constantly redefining display technology’s ever-evolving landscape

LG Display’s META Technology

As the world of large-sized premium TVs continues to evolve, people are more aware of OLED’s unrivaled picture quality, striking contrast, and vibrant colors. With each passing year, OLED further solidifies its status as the pinnacle of TV technology by constantly setting new standards and revolutionizing the viewing experience. Leading this OLED revolution is LG Display’s third-generation OLED technology, META Technology, which boasts extraordinary brightness, expansive viewing angles, and enhanced image quality. Leveraging its two key technologies, ‘Micro Lens Array(MLA)’ and ‘META Booster’, META Technology realizes 60% brighter panels than its predecessor. This cutting-edge display shines especially on large-sized OLED TVs, providing unmatched immersive experience with its most true-to-life color expression and clear picture quality. Moreover, in an era where climate protection and personal well-being are garnering greater focus, LG Display distinguishes itself by consistently being acknowledged for delivering both eco-friendly and eye-comfort benefits.

OLED TVs worthy of leading the premium market

LG Display’s 97-inch OLED TV panel.gif

In the dynamic premium TV market landscape, LG Display’s OLED continues to rack up milestone after milestone. According to Korean media, market share of OLED TVs in the premium TV segment, priced at $1,500 and above, is expected to reach 46.1% worldwide this year. This marks a significant increase from the 36.7% share recorded last year, representing a nearly 10% rise in just one year and approaching the halfway mark. As the OLED TV alliances mark 10 years of innovation, they are poised to reach cumulative sales in the trillion-Korean-won range, another remarkable achievement that suggests the only way is up.

With Prime Day running from July 11th to 12th, now is the time to act. Take full advantage of Prime Day’s extraordinary offerings and immerse yourself in a captivating OLED world of vivid colors, perfect black, and unparalleled picture quality to elevate your viewing experience to unchartered heights.

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