
[DISPLAY 101] #5 Viewing Angle


#5 Viewing Angle

Everyone sitting in the room can enjoy the same quality of picture on an OLED screen with a wide viewing angle.
Viewing Angle: The maximum angle at which one can view a screen without image distortion.

Viewing angle is the maximum angle at which a display can be viewed without image distortions such as changes in brightness or color. As some people might know already, an image on a TV screen looks different when viewing it from too far to one side.

Viewing angle indicates how different the view is when the viewer is off center. When the whole family is watching TV at home, a wide viewing angle will help them all enjoy the same quality of picture even when someone has to sit in the corner.

What’s the difference in viewing angle between LCD and OLED?

Viewing angle can differ depending on the types of TVs and technologies.

An LCD shows images by emitting light from its backlight that passes through several layers including liquid crystals and color filters. Therefore, it has a narrower viewing angle compared to an OLED, so the result of its image-creation process is best visible when standing in front of the display.

Meanwhile, an OLED display is a self-emissive display that doesn’t require a backlight. Each individual pixel on an OLED display independently shines light in all directions, so every pixel can be seen from any side. This means that viewers can enjoy OLED displays from any angle without image or brightness distortion.

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