[Lifestyle Display] LG Display’s Revolutionary DFR Technology:
A New Standard for Gaming Monitors

In this second installment of [Lifestyle Display], we’re delving deeper into LG Display’s latest gaming OLED panel that features a switchable refresh rate and resolution, dubbed ‘Dynamic Frequency & Resolution’ or ‘DFR’ for short. Here’s what Sin-kyun Park, a member of the Large Display Development Division, had to say about bringing this unique feature to life!

What’s so special about the 31.5-inch Gaming OLED panel,
and what has been the customer reaction so far?

Most people are probably familiar with the difference between refresh rates and resolution; refresh rate indicates how many frames can be displayed per second, while resolution refers to the number of pixels that make up the entire screen. LG Display’s groundbreaking 31.5-inch gaming OLED panel, equipped with the industry’s first ever DFR (Dynamic Frequency & Resolution) technology, allows users to freely switch between high refresh rate and high resolution modes, which has garnered some exciting feedback from gaming enthusiasts and reviewers alike as a ‘masterpiece’ among gaming monitors.

LG Display’s gaming OLEDs, which have already been proven to be top-tier in terms of response time (0.03ms), high refresh rate (up to 480Hz), and motion blur performance (VESA ClearMR 13,000 Tier), have added yet another new standard to the gaming monitor market with the latest DFR technology.

What’s the reason behind developing a ‘switchable refresh rate & resolution’ feature?

Sin-kyun Park, member of the Large Display Development Division

For those who enjoy fast-response shooting or racing games, a high refresh rate is crucial, while for those who enjoy visually impressive games like RPGs, high resolution is important. While it is theoretically possible for a monitor to achieve high refresh rate and resolution simultaneously, most games are divided into genres that require either high refresh rate or high resolution, which is why it was deemed more efficient to develop the DFR technology. There was also demand from consumers who wanted to use their monitors for things outside of gaming, such as watching movies and office work, which also prompted us to develop a gaming OLED panel that features variable resolution.

What are the unique features of DFR?

The core of the DFR technology lies in its two-track design. The more traditional gaming monitors face issues when increasing the refresh rate, as this requires pixels to operate at higher speeds, causing the panel to be charged insufficiently, which ultimately leads to issues in heat management and performance. But for DFR technology, two lines operate simultaneously to ensure adequate charging time even during high refresh rate mode (480Hz), while also doubling data processing speed.

This is similar to the toll systems we see on highways – If there is only one toll gate on a highway, traffic congestion occurs, slowing down the cars. But by doubling the number of toll gates, more cars can pass through quickly without slowing down. Basically, DFR technology enables higher data capacity while maintaining picture quality through optimized pixel algorithms.

How will LG Display pioneer the future of gaming displays?

DFR is just one of many more innovations to come from LG Display’s gaming OLEDs. As video technology improves, the quality of content such as games and movies are also advancing. We’re constantly striving to enhance our OLED panels for monitors by improving brightness, color reproduction, and refresh rates, and are in the process of upgrading both our hardware and software to incorporate AI algorithms that will allow users to select settings based on content genre to further maximize immersion.

Additionally, while non-glossy and matte screens that minimize external light reflection are common in gaming monitors, the preference for clear and vivid screens has increased recently. To meet these demands, we are also developing panels that feature glossy and shiny screens to offer a wider range of choices.

DFR technology provides users with excellent performance and versatility, setting a new milestone in gaming OLED monitor panels. We appreciate your continued interest and support as LG Display continues to innovate to meet the diverse needs of users and solidify its position as a leading innovator!

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