[SID 2024] Three People’s Choice Awards! How LG Display Captivated Visitors and Global Media at SID Display Week 2024

SID Display Week is undoubtedly the best way to experience the development of display technology. At Display Week 2024, LG Display presented advancements such as OLEDoS for VR with dramatically increased brightness and resolution, the ultimate large-sized OLED picture quality through its proprietary META Technolology 2.0, Gaming OLED’s extreme immersion, and automotive display solutions optimized for Software Defined Vehicles (SDV).

In particular, LG Display picked up a trio of People’s Choice Awards for its trendsetting, futuristic display technology innovations, namely OLEDoS for VR and smartwatches as well as META Technology 2.0 applied to an 83-inch ultra-large OLED TV panel. Let’s take a look at how these technologies captivated the world and drew enthusiastic responses at Display Week 2024!

OLEDoS and META Technology 2.0 picked by visitors for ‘Best of SID Display Week’ awards

LG Display’s SID Display Week 2024 People’s Choice Awards for OLEDoS for VR (left) and OLEDoS for smartwatches (right)

SID, the world’s largest display organization and exhibition host, each year honors outstanding exhibition products with its People’s Choice Awards, which are selected through voting by Display Week visitors. This year, new OLEDoS technology for VR and smartwatches along with an 83-inch ultra-large OLED TV panel equipped with META Technology 2.0 caught the attention of those who stopped by LG Display’s booth.

OLEDoS for VR won a People’s Choice Award in the category of “Best AR/VR/MR Demo Product.” At 1.3-inch, it is the size of a coin and features an ultra-high brightness of 10,000 nits (one nit is the brightness of a candle) and an ultra-high resolution of around 4,000 pixels per inch (ppi), which is in the 4K class. With the industry’s highest level of picture quality, its color expression accuracy meets more than 97% of the DCI-P3 standard color area of the Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI). OLEDoS for smartwatches, which won in the People’s Choice Awards’ category of “Best New Display Component,” features a 4K resolution that allows content to be displayed clearly even on the wrist. It is also equipped with glasses-free 3D technology called light field display technology, surprising Display Week’s visitors with its holographic-like effects

Winner of a People’s Choice Award at SID Display Week 2024, LG Display’s META Technology 2.0 applied to an 83-inch OLED TV panel

In addition, a third-generation OLED TV panel featuring LG Display’s proprietary META Technology 2.0 won a People’s Choice Award in the “Best OLED Technology” category. META Technology 2.0 realizes 3,000 nits, the brightest level among existing OLED TV panels. This makes it possible to clearly and vividly express abundant natural colors and brightness in any environment as if seen with real eyes.

“A VR headset display that seems designed to be as bright as the sun” – Tom’s Guide

OLEDoS for VR (top), OLEDoS for Smartwatches (bottom)

LG Display’s new OLEDoS technology also received favorable reviews from global tech media outlets. For example, Tom’s Guide said, “LG Display revealed a number of next-generation OLED displays as part of the conference, including a VR headset display that seems designed to be as bright as the sun.” It also highlighted the claim that this product offers an “unparalleled, vivid 3D experience.”

Another renowned American outlet, TechRadar, expressed surprise at the high resolution and brightness of 10,000 nits realized by OLEDoS for VR, stating, ”Whichever VR headset gets this new (LG Display) OLEDoS panel it’s almost certainly going to be one of the best VR headsets out there.”

“TVs did get a nod, with LG Display showcasing an 83-inch OLED TV and OLED gaming displays “ – What Hi-Fi

LG Display’s gaming OLEDs and an 83-inch OLED TV panel

After securing an overwhelming technology gap with META Technology 1.0, LG Display has just a year later further solidified its leadership in large-sized OLED technology by successfully developing META Technology 2.0. At Display Week 2024, it demonstrated the improvement in brightness – one of the key elements of picture quality – by about 42% compared with before. Achieving up to 3,000 nits, the brightest level among OLED TV panels today, META Technology 2.0 drew admiration from global media. Having also favorably reviewed OLEDoS for VR, prestigious British outlet What Hi-Fi said, “TVs did get a nod, with LG Display showcasing an 83-inch OLED TV and OLED gaming displays,” adding that both were equipped with the power of META Technology 2.0.

LG Display won People’s Choice Awards at SID Display Week 2024 in the categories for “Best AR/VR/MR Product,” “Best New Display Component,” and “Best OLED Technology”

So, LG Display showcased various innovative display technologies at SID Display Week 2024. Having grabbed the world’s attention again, the company will continue its innovation for a better future!

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